Fantasy Lights

11/23/2017 @ 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Spanaway Park
Spanaway Lake Park
15320 Bresemann Blvd SW, Spanaway, WA 98387
$14 per vehicle up to 24 passengers/$45 for buses
Fantasy Lights
Fantasy Lights @ Spanaway Park | Spanaway | Washington | United States

Pierce County Parks and Recreation is pleased to present the 23rd annual ‘Fantasy Lights at Spanaway Park,’ the largest holiday drive-through display in the Northwest, featuring nearly 300 elaborate displays and thousands of sparkling lights. The beautiful two-mile drive along Spanaway Lake has become a memorable lakeside tradition for the entire family.

Visitors of all ages will be treated to the magical world of animation and imagination where bears fly kites, Santa and Rudolf sail a tall ship, snow boys kick field goals, penguins slide down an igloo, and reindeer leap over your car. You will also marvel at more LED lighting throughout the park along with new displays including a giant tail wagging dog.

As you drive, dial your car radio to FM 95.3 to listen to a selection of special holiday music to add to the festive atmosphere of the park.

$7 Half Price Nights: Nov. 27-29 and Dec. 4-6