Suffrage Special Afternoon Tea

Join Tacoma Historical Society for an outdoor tea party in celebration of the arrival of the Suffrage Special delegation to Tacoma in 1909.

Representatives of the National American Woman Suffrage Association boarded a Northern Pacific train going from Chicago to Seattle for the 41st Annual Convention. Along the way they stopped in several cities, gave speeches and picked up more passengers all in the pursuit for women’s right to vote. In June of 1909, they stopped in Tacoma where they were given a tour of Point Defiance Park, served dinner and gave speeches at the Tacoma Building.

O?ur tea party will include tea, sandwiches, scones with jam and tartlets. Following tea, THS curator Elizabeth Korsmo will give a talk about the historical events behind the Suffrage Special and Barbara Callander will give a special performance from the Washington Women’s Suffrage Centennial play. Supplies will be provided for guests to make their own suffrage sash.

Period costume is encouraged but not required.